Crisis Management

How communication protects companies’ reputations

All organizations face risks of crises that can harm their reputation, credibility, and business results. We provide communication plans for different types of crises and have extensive experience in developing public relations strategies.

Our services range from identifying risks and audiences, organizing flows, and preparing response schedules to producing content and training teams involved in crisis management.

Our team of specialists and years of experience help clients prevent and manage crises resulting from accidents, natural disasters, product recalls, leadership misconduct, and other situations.

We have carried out hundreds of image crisis procedures for companies from a wide range of market sectors. We have also provided media training to more than 2,000 executives, enabling them to act as spokespersons during crisis situations.

What we offer our clients

Crisis Manual

We develop clear and efficient processes for producing manuals of guidelines and initiatives to be carried out in the event of a crisis. We survey documents, map risks, and identify existing contingency plans to define crisis scenarios and communication risk levels.

Crisis Committees

We recommend which leaders should be part of the committee and define their roles. Committee members must understand the problem and its dimensions, decide on content and arguments, draft key messages, determine actions, and establish activities to maintain essential operations during the crisis period.

Media Training

We organize and provide media training, including crisis simulations, to ensure that committee members are aware of the company's communication procedures. We assess participant performance and provide individual performance reports and position papers with recommendations.

Crisis Management

  • Identification of stakeholders and strategic contacts
  • Identification of allied specialists and opinion leaders (lawyers, technical experts, NGOs, etc.)
  • Definition of the company’s communication strategy (official statements, interviews, or press conference)
  • Identification of the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the crisis
  • Development of Q&A for the specific crisis in question
  • Definition of internal and external communication channels and tools
  • Drafting of press releases, statements, letters, memos and press responses
  • Creation of mailing lists of journalists, bloggers, and opinion makers
  • Preparation of spokespersons for interviews
  • Daily monitoring of media and social networks
  • Alignment meetings
  • Reports and Feedback

The experience of a team that has managed numerous reputational crises helps organizations protect their public image, minimize potential damage, and reduce impacts and consequences. Most importantly, it helps transmit transparency.

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